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Yarrow's spiny lizard
Sceloporus jarrovii
COPE, 1875

Photo by: P. de Chabannes
Additional images here: www.biolib.cz

Number of Subspecies:02
Head-Torso-Length:9,7 cm
Body length:23 cm
IUCN status:LC (Least Concern)

Current Holdings • Former Holdings
Europe (EU)
  Germany (1 Holding(s)):
  • Bendorf-Sayn (Garten der Schmetterlinge Schloss Sayn) 
    Holding(s): 1
    North America
      United States of America (2 Holding(s)):
  • Norristown (Elmwood Park Zoo) 
  • Phoenix (Zoo) 
    Holding(s): 2