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Himalayan palm civet
Paguma larvata larvata
(C. E. H. SMITH, 1827)

Photo by: J. Pfleiderer
Additional images here: www.biolib.cz

Range:China (and Taiwan & Hainan Is), Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam
Habitat:Primary evergreen and deciduous forest, and in disturbed habitats
Head-Torso-Length:50 - 76 cm
Tail length:50 - 64 cm
Weight:3,4 - 5 kg
Food:Omnivorous: fruit, small vertebrates and insects
IUCN status:LC (Least Concern)

Current Holdings • Former Holdings
Europe (EU)
  Germany (1 Holding(s)):
  • Dortmund (Zoo) 
    Holding(s): 1
      China (1 Holding(s)):
  • Shanghai (Zoo) 
      Singapore (1 Holding(s)):
  • Singapore (Zoo) 
      Vietnam (2 Holding(s)):
  • Ha Noi (Hanoi Zoo - Vuon  Thu Ha Noi) 
  • Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon Zoo and Botanical Gardens) 
    Holding(s): 4