| Number of Subspecies: | 09 | Subspecies: | 01. Panthera tigris tigris (Bengal tiger) - Indian subcontinent
02. P.t. altaica (Siberian tiger) - Russian Far East, N Korean Peninsula and NE China
03. P.t. amoyensis (Southchinese tiger) - SC China (EX in the wild)
04. P.t. corbetti (Indochinese tiger) - S China (Yunnan),S to Indochinese region, and S to the Malay Peninsula
05. P.t. Sumatrae (Sumatran tiger) - Sumatra
06. P.t. jacksoni (Malayan tiger) - Peninsular Malaysia
07. P.t. virgata (Caspian tiger) - EX from the river valleys of Takla Makan, western slopes of the Tian Shan Mountains, Amu Darya and Syr Darya river valleys, shores of the Caspian Sea, Elburz Mountains, and Tigris and Euphrates valleys.
08. P.t. balica (Bali tiger) - Bali
09. P.t. sondaica (Javan tiger) - Java | Habitat: | Forests, scrub land, | Head-Torso-Length: | 146 - 290 cm | Tail length: | 72 - 109 cm | Weight: | 75 - 325 kg | Food: | Mammals, birds, reptiles | IUCN status: | EN (Endangered) |